Coming up next is a rundown of as often as possible posed inquiries about the BOB ROSS Oil Painting Technique and some guidance about the utilization and care of the materials.
This procedure alludes to the conditioning of hard edges and most apparent brush strokes by mixing the wet oil paint on the material with a spotless, dry brush. In mixing, a generally painted region is brushed daintily with confound strokes or by delicately tapping with the side of the brush. This gives colors a delicate and normal appearance. Not all oil paints are reasonable for this strategy – most are excessively delicate and will in general spread. Just a thick, firm paint is reasonable for this procedure.
To blend paints to a marbled impact, place the diverse shaded paints on the blending space of your range and go through your range blade to pick and overlay the paints together, then, at that point, pull level. Dashes of each tone ought to be noticeable in the blend. Don’t over blend.
When blending colors for application over thicker paints currently on the material, particularly when adding feature tones, slim the paint with LIQUID WHITE, LIQUID CLEAR or ODORLESS THINNER. The standard to recall here is that a slight paint will adhere to a thicker paint.
Painting with the wet on wet strategy requires regular and careful cleaning of your brushes with acetone. A vacant one pound espresso can is ideal to hold the more slender, or utilize any holder around 5″ in breadth and something like 6″ profound. Spot a Bob Ross Screen in the lower part of the can and load up with unscented more slender around 1″ over the screen. Clean the brushes bristles against the screen to eliminate paint silt which will choose the lower part of the can.
Dry your bigger brushes via cautiously crushing them against within the espresso can, then, at that point, slapping the fibers against a brush mixer rack mounted within a tall kitchen garbage can to eliminate the rest of the more slender. More modest brushes can be cleaned by cleaning them with paper towel or a cloth (I energetically suggest utilizing Viva paper towels since they are exceptionally spongy). Try not to return the brushes to their plastic packs after use, this will make the fibers become limp. Never perfect your Bob Ross brushes with cleanser and water or cleanser as this will obliterate the regular strength of the fibers. Store your brushes with bristles up or lying level.
Utilize the 2″ brush with long, firm vertical and level strokes across the material. The layer of Liquid WHITE ought to be extremely, slim and even. Apply diamond painting not long before you start to paint. Try not to permit the paint to dry before you start.
I recommend utilizing a range basically 16″x20″ in size. Take a stab at orchestrating the tones around the external edge of your range from light to dim. Leave the focal point of the range for blending your paints.
Stacking YOUR BRUSH:
To completely stack within fibers of your brush first hold it opposite to the range and work the fibers into the heap of paint. Then, at that point, holding the brush at a 45 degree point, drag the brush across your range and away from the heap of paint. Flipping your brush from one side to another will safeguard the two sides will be stacked uniformly.
(NOTE: When the fibers go to an etched or sharp level edge, the brush is stacked accurately.)
For certain strokes you might need the finish of your brush to be adjusted. To do this, stand the brush upward on the range. Solidly pull toward you working the brush one way. Takeoff the range with each stroke. This will in general adjust the finish of the brush, paint with the gathered end together.
Spot the tip of your brush into the jar of LIQUID WHITE, LIQUID CLEAR or ODORLESS THINNER permit just a limited quantity of medium to stay on the fibers. Burden your brush by tenderly hauling it through the feature tones, rehash depending on the situation. Delicately tap the fibers against the range barely enough to open up the fibers and slacken the paint.